Frenzy + Thrower + Berserker Barbarian:
1. Combat skills: Bash - 1 bod, Double Swing - max., Leap - 1 bod, Double Throw - 1 bod, Stun - 1 bod, Leap Attack - 1 bod, Concentrate - 1 bod, Frenzy - 1 bod alebo max., Whirlwind - 1 bod, Berserk - max. (synergia pre frenzy)
2. Combat Masteries: Sword Mastery - 1 bod, Axe Mastery - 1 bod, Throwing Mastery - 1 bod, Mace Mastery - 1 bod (ak budete pouzivat zbran Disintegrator zlozenu z knih)
3. Warcries: Howl - 1+, Shout - 1+, Taunt - max., Battle Orders - 1 bod alebo max., Battle Command - 0 alebo 1 bod, Find Potion - 0 alebo 1 bod, Find Item - 0 alebo 1 bod.
Helma: Ortevor's Helm (barbarian helm) - boss item, Tharr´s Visor (uber) do socketov fragmenty B.
Amulet: Mark of The Krogoth (uber)
Zbrane: vypisem vestky treba si vybrat - sekery z knih Damage a Death (4x frag B do kazdej), The Emperor (uber), The Destroyer (uber), 2x unique Flying Axe - Storm Bat (nejlepsie ethereal maju vyssi dmg) alebo 2x unique Sense (Winged axe), Disintegrator (z knih) 6x fragment B.
Brnko: Juggernaut (uber) alebo Angel Armor (z knih) 4x fragment B
Rukavice: na zaciatok Arch of the Dead (z knih) potom uber Keeper's Gift (gloves - Barbarian only)
Opasok: The Hannival (uber)
Botky: Moonwalk (uber)
Prstene: Buster (uber) a Corruption Call (z knih)
Charmy: vsetky uber (Acolyte, Lord of Thewiki, Vicinity of Infinity, Grammator Experiment, Soul Shifter) + urcite Grand charm - Shield Generator, Grand Charm - Sister´s Might s 2 all skills, Soulstone, Anninhulus, nejake theowiki, Helfire + 3 ..... skills, Stone of Blood a Stone of Energy (podla toho kolko ich bude treba aby nepretiekali life a mana), Leah small charm, Snackless of Magic, do levelu 110 urcite Large charmy Hell Mark a Teacher na experience.
(No a na koniec: Charm z Avalon Trophy Questu + charmy z Krogotha - Book of The Ages, Chorinex a Krogoths Horn).